Justin Bajema
“Thanks Sarah. I’d like to bump up ad spend on this ad please…. We’re definitely seeing a lot more new egg and meat customers, no doubt about that. Overall, I’d say it’s definitely driving new customers and repeat orders on both fronts.” “Yes, we’re getting a ton of shipping orders. We’ve been slammed (good thing).”
Hugh & Lisa Kent
“We’re very pleased with this ad campaign, and very happy that you were able to turn the ads around so quickly. (One of our favorites is Nothing like grocery store blueberries.) Thanks very much Sarah, Jess, Natassia, and Gabi.”
Rachel Beyer
“LOVE these social media ads! We get a handful of people every week who have heard about us through ads.”
Anne Massie
“The local food movement in Indiana owes you, your team, your incredible talent and wisdom so much!”
Mylese Tucker
“We have seen a nice increase in business and I really think that the Facebook posts are helping greatly.”
Tracy Fox, MPH, RD
“Grapevine ads on Facebook have really made a difference — we are getting new 'likes' to our page every week and are enjoying a good customer base to the market each week! Thanks tons. Your ads are really helping.”