Guide Design for Indiana Grown for Schools

We were honored to win an American Graphic Design Award for our buyer’s guide design.
We designed this farm-to-school buyer’s guide in collaboration with Indiana Grown for Schools to support schools with local sourcing.
We used the bright rainbow of colors from their existing logo to design a color-coded page spread for each season, featuring a spotlight local ingredient and recipe for each season, plus that season’s harvest list. We carefully designed the directory portion —which features over 200 Indiana farms — to be easy to skim, with icons for each food category. We coordinated with local photographers to arrange photography of school sites and farms to bring the farm-to-school stories to life.
The buyer’s guides were mailed to 590 foodservice directors throughout the state, and we were awarded a GDUSA 2019 American Graphic Design Award for this project.
We also developed the companion farm-to-school website, along with stickers and promotional flyer templates. It was an honor to be a part of this project!
“This is beyond fantastic. When Jodee, Laura, Michelle and I first kicked around an idea of "redesigning" farm to school in Indiana a few years ago not ONE of us thought we would be able to do anything measurable on our own... Fast forward to today and we have this beautiful website and print guide. I am very proud. We are a lucky group of people to have found you!”
— Heather Tallman,
Indiana Grown for Schools“First of all, I just want to tell you that the Buyer's Guide layout is GORGEOUS. You’ve done a fantastic job! Thanks so much for all of the hard work that you and your team put into this – it really shows!”
— Naima Gardner-Rice, MPH,
Indiana Department of Health + Indiana Grown for Schools